+7 495 640-17-71
Набор реагентов HLA-ДНК-ТЕХ предназначен для определения специфичностей главного комплекса тканевой совместимости человека на уровне генов методом полимеразной цепной реакции в биологическом материале человека c использованием детектирующих амплификаторов.
Storage requirements | +2...+8° С |
Except of minus part of the kit | -18 … -22° С |
Shelf life | 12 months |
Набор реагентов HLA-ДНК-ТЕХ предназначен для определения специфичностей главного комплекса тканевой совместимости человека на уровне генов методом полимеразной цепной реакции в биологическом материале человека c использованием детектирующих амплификаторов.
Storage requirements | +2...+8° С |
Except of minus part of the kit | -18 … -22° С |
Shelf life | 12 months |
Набор реагентов HLA-B27 предназначен для выявления аллеля 27 локуса В главного комплекса гистосовместимости человека методом полимеразной цепной реакции в режиме реального времени в биологическом материале человека с использованием детектирующих амплификаторов.
Storage requirements | +2...+8° С |
Except of minus part of the kit | -18 … -22° С |
Shelf life | 12 months |
During diagnosis of blood-borne infections, PCR technology has a great importance especially in blood banking and to detection very early infections before antibodies have been developed.
Storage requirements | +2...+8° С |
Except of minus part of the kit | -18 … -22° С |
Shelf life | 9 months |
The HIV Quantitative REAL-TIME PCR Kit is an in vitro Nucleic Acid Test (NAT) – based pathogen detection and quantification product.
Storage requirements | +2...+8° С |
Except of minus part of the kit | -18 … -22° С |
Shelf life | 9 months |
During diagnosis of blood-borne infections, PCR technology has a great importance especially in blood banking and to detection very early infections before antibodies have been developed.
Storage requirements | +2...+8° С |
Except of minus part of the kit | -18 … -22° С |
Shelf life | 9 months |
During diagnosis of blood-borne infections, PCR technology has a great importance especially in blood banking and to detection very early infections before antibodies have been developed.
Storage requirements | +2...+8° С |
Except of minus part of the kit | -18 … -22° С |
Shelf life | 9 months |
During diagnosis of blood-borne infections, PCR technology has a great importance especially in blood banking and to detection very early infections before antibodies have been developed.
Storage requirements | +2...+8° С |
Except of minus part of the kit | -18 … -22° С |
Shelf life | 9 months |
During diagnosis of blood-borne infections, PCR technology has a great importance especially in blood banking and to detection very early infections before antibodies have been developed.
Storage requirements | +2...+8° С |
Except of minus part of the kit | -18 … -22° С |
Shelf life | 9 months |
During diagnosis of blood-borne infections, PCR technology has a great importance especially in blood banking and to detection very early infections before antibodies have been developed.
Storage requirements | +2...+8° С |
Except of minus part of the kit | -18 … -22° С |
Shelf life | 12 months |
Набор реагентов Фемофлор Скрин позволяет оценить состояние микробиоценоза урогенитального тракта женщины репродуктивного возраста. Микробиоценоз оценивают путём сравнения количества нормальной микрофлоры (Lactobacillus spp.) с общей бактериальной массой (ОБМ).